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September 2018 Singapore Portfolio Performance Report. Overall = +87.70%, YTD +0.65%, Q3 +2.44%

How was September like for Singapore market?
September was a month of rebound for Singapore market. For the first two weeks, STI continued its descend to 3109.91 on 11th Sept where it started to reverse upwards to end the month at 3257.05 for a monthly gain of 1.22%. The selloff in the earlier part of the month is attributed to funds leaving emerging market as US economy improved and USD strengthened/ Subsequently, the rebound was due to improved investors' sentiment after US decided to slap a lowered 10% (instead of 25%) on USD200 billions worth of Chinese goods.

How was the portfolio performance in September?
Unfortunately my SG portfolio did not follow the rebound. For the month of September, the portfolio time weighted return fell 7.65%. This is due to a few stocks in the portfolio that did not perform well (one of them was Japfa. Check out this post). Time weighted returns for Q3 is still positive at +2.44%.

Portfolio time weighted return for Q3 2018 is +2.44%.

Year-to-date time weighted return is +0.65% while ES3 (STI ETF) reduced to -1.18% for the year.

Overall time weighted return since inception (from June 2016) +87.70%.

Despite a bad month, Q3 is still positive and YTD return still beats ES3 and the portfolio total time weighted return is still phenomenal as compared to ES3.  In addition, my US portfolio is doing well in September (check out my US performance) so it is more or less compensated the loss in SG portfolio.

Performance Chart
screenshot taken from

Time Weighted Returns by year
screenshot taken from

What's going to happen in October?
The escalating trade war will continue to be a factor that limits stock returns or push down prices in the SG market. With the emerging market currency rout continue to spread due to the strengthening USD, I expect to see more whipsawing in October. My advice, do not jump the gun, lest you end up catching falling knives, continue to trade with care and apply proper risk management.

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